
Related to short: short story, Short fiction


informal To give less than (someone) is entitled to receive; to shortchange (someone). They tried to short us on the sale by including a bunch of bogus service charges as a part of the transaction. If you short me again, I'll take my business elsewhere.

short one

slang A small alcoholic beverage, especially one that is drunk very quickly. I think we have time for a short one before the train leaves. What'll you have? I said I was only going for a short one, but I ended up staying at the bar until 2 AM.
See also: one, short
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. n. a small drink of hard liquor or of beer. I’ll have a short and a pack of cigarettes.
2. mod. having to do with a single drink of undiluted liquor. I’ll take mine short, innkeeper.
3. n. a purchase of drugs that counts or weighs out less than the amount agreed upon. You gave me a short. Fix it now, or this thing goes off accidentally in your ear.
4. tv. to give someone less of something than was agreed upon. They shorted us on the last order, so we switched suppliers.
5. n. a car. (Streets.) Man, that’s some short you got!
6. n. the sale of borrowed shares of stock; a short sale. (Securities markets.) There is a lot of covering of shorts this week. After that the market is in for a steady decline.
7. tv. to sell borrowed stock. (Securities markets.) The way the deficit is running, I’d short the whole market.

short one

n. a small or quickly drunk drink of liquor, including beer. (Compare this with tall one.) How about a short one, innkeeper?
See also: one, short
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • (as) thick as a short plank
  • (as) thick as two short planks
  • a brick short of a load
  • a day late and a dollar short
  • a few bananas short of a bunch
  • a few bricks short of a (full) load
  • a few bricks shy/short of a load
  • a few cards short of a (full) deck
  • a few eggs short of a dozen
  • a few fries short of a Happy Meal
  • a few sandwiches short of a picnic
  • a few, two, etc. bricks short of a load
  • a sandwich short of a picnic
  • a short back and sides
  • a short cut
  • a short fuse
  • a short, sharp shock
  • art is long and life is short
  • at short notice
  • be (as) thick as a short plank
  • be (as) thick as two short planks
  • be caught short
  • be caught/taken short
  • be in short supply
  • be in the short strokes
  • be kept on a short leash
  • be not short of a bob or two
  • be not short of a penny (or two)
  • be nothing short of (something)
  • be on a short fuse
  • be on a short leash
  • be on/have a short fuse
  • be one brick short of a (full) load
  • be one card short of a full deck
  • be one sandwich short of a picnic
  • be several bricks short of a (full) load
  • be several cards short of a (full) deck
  • be several cards short of a full deck
  • be short and sweet
  • be short of (something)
  • be short with (one)
  • be/run short of something
  • bring (one) up short
  • bring someone up short
  • bring up sharply
  • bring/pull somebody up short
  • by a short head
  • by the short hairs
  • case of the shorts
  • catch napping
  • caught short
  • come short
  • come short of
  • come short of (something)
  • come up short
  • cut (someone or something) short
  • cut short
  • cut somebody short
  • cut something short
  • day late and a dollar short
  • down to the short strokes
  • draw straws
  • draw the short straw
  • eat my shorts
  • Eat my shorts!
  • fall short
  • fall short (of), to
  • fall short of
  • fall short of (one's) goal
  • fall short of (something)
  • fall short of goal
  • fall short of something
  • fall short of the goal
  • fall short of the record
  • few bricks short of a load
  • for short
  • for the short/medium/long term
  • full measure
  • full/short measure
  • get (one) by the short and curlies
  • get (one) by the short hairs
  • get (one's) shorts in a knot
  • get short shrift
  • get short with (one)
  • get someone by the short and curlies
  • get the short end
  • get the short end of the stick
  • get/have somebody by the short hairs
  • give short shrift
  • give somebody/something short shrift
  • go short
  • go short (of something)
  • have (got) a short fuse
  • have (one) by the short and curlies
  • have (one) on a short leash
  • have (someone) by the short hairs
  • have (someone) on a tight leash
  • have a short fuse
  • have someone by the short and curlies
  • have someone by the short hairs
  • in brief
  • in short
  • in short order
  • in short pants
  • in short supply
  • in snatches
  • in the long run
  • in the long/medium/short term
  • in the short haul
  • in the short run
  • in the short/medium/long term
  • keep (someone) on a short leash
  • Life is short and time is swift
  • life is short(, and time is swift)
  • life is too short
  • little/nothing short of sth
  • long and short of it, the
  • long and the short of it
  • long and the short of it/the matter, the
  • long haul
  • long on (something) and short on (something else)
  • long on one thing and short on another
  • long story short
  • longest way round is the shortest way home
  • make a long story short
  • make a long story short, to
  • make short work of
  • make short work of (someone or something)
  • make short work of something
  • make short work of something/somebody
  • make short work of, to
  • nothing short of
  • on a short lead
  • on a short leash
  • on short notice
  • one banana short of a bunch
  • one brick short of a (full) load
  • one egg short of a dozen
  • one sandwich short of a picnic
  • over the short haul
  • over the short term
  • pull (one) up short
  • pull up short
  • quick temper
  • run short
  • run short of (something)
  • sell (someone, something, or oneself) short
  • sell short
  • sell somebody short
  • sell someone or something short
  • sell someone short
  • sell yourself short
  • sell yourself/somebody/something short
  • several bricks short of a (full) load
  • several cards short of a (full) deck
  • short
  • short and sweet
  • short arms inspection
  • short back and sides
  • short but sweet
  • short end of the stick
  • short end of the stick, the
  • short end of the stick, to get/have the
  • short for
  • short for (something)
  • short fuse
  • short hairs
  • short haul
  • short leash
  • short measure
  • short notice, on
  • short of
  • short of (something)
  • short of a length
  • short of something/of doing something
  • short on (something) (and long on something else)
  • short on looks
  • short on one end
  • short one
  • short order
  • short out
  • short reckonings make long friends
  • short run
  • short sharp shock
  • short shrift
  • short shrift, give
  • short shrift, to get/give
  • short snort
  • short strokes
  • short temper
  • short with
  • short with (one)
  • short, sharp shock
  • short-change (one)
  • shortcut
  • short-sheet
  • short-snort
  • stop short
  • stop short of (something)
  • stop short of a place
  • stop short of doing
  • take a long walk off a short pier
  • take a long walk on a short pier
  • the long and (the) short of it
  • the long and short of it
  • the long and the short of it
  • the longest way round is the shortest way home
  • the short and the long of it
  • the short end of the stick
  • the short straw
  • the shorts
  • thick as a short plank
  • thick as two planks
  • thick as two short planks
  • to cut a long story short
  • to make a long story short
  • wearing short pants
  • win, lose, etc. by a short head
References in periodicals archive
Initially, we really didn't like that, the way they were laughing, the way the shorts looked, it was just too short,' said Perasol.
Many of these short sellers are simply cashing in on big gains since Lyft's IPO priced at $72 per share back in March.
From statement paperbag pieces to the trusted denim number, there's a pair of shorts out there for every body type.
PS15, River Island 3 ORANGE GEOMETRIC PRINT SWIM SHORTS: Amp up your swimwear collection with these orange geometric shorts.
From over 500 German entries for the International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand 2019, seven innovative short films have been selected for this year's edition of the programme SHORT EXPORT -- Made in Germany.
Y.A.S soft tailored blazer, [euro]110.60, soft tailored short, [euro]49.77 ASOS
Already available in the Netherlands, the first-of-its-kind short film app gives viewers the power to create their own movie channels based on their favorite genres and their mood.
In industry parlance, short selling is the sale of a security that is not owned by the seller or that the seller has borrowed.
Monzon explained that, "since this is the first time we are introducing short selling, our guidelines were crafted with the goal of ensuring that short selling transactions are transparent and effectively monitored."
'Since this is the first time we are introducing short selling, our guidelines were crafted with the goal of ensuring that short-selling transactions are transparent and effectively monitored.
In Hong Kong's capital market, only securities listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's 'Designated Securities Eligible for Short Selling' are eligible, so for a short-seller, all that needs to be done is review the list to find a target.
Since May 31, hedge funds have added 197 million barrels of crude short positions and 12 million barrels of gasoline shorts.
The Long And The Short Of It is devoted to long and short vowel sounds of the same vowel, in various guises.
The hot Latino looks flawless Latin looks flawless in her simple yet in her simple yet bright blouse and shorts. Worn with plain white courts, we can't fault this this short and sweet set.