Was there a motive at work under this strange reluctance of Arthur's which had a sort of
backstairs influence, not admitted to himself?
Adam Bede
He underrates (for instance) the Immigration Reform Group, which exercised so powerful a
backstairs influence as Menzies' reign drew to a close.
Goodbye to all that: Keith Windschuttle on white Australia
As regards political strategy, an emphasis always present in Marx's thought, but more explicitly formulated by Lenin, was that a social group or a party is generally impotent if it confines itself either to general propaganda of ideas or to being a sect of theorists or experts that tries to pull off some plan of social regeneration by palace intrigue or
backstairs influence. Lenin once said in answer to romantic revolutionaries: "We do not need hysterical outbursts: we need the regular march of the iron battalions of the proletariat." A political program could only become an historical influence if it ran with the stream of some extant social movement, resting basically on the self-movement of a class.
Marxism and the Social Sciences
it can be assumed in the light of the editors' exhaustive research that virtually all of the identifiable ties have now been tracked down; and as a result it should be possible to say much more than has been possible in the past about the operation of
backstairs influence in Parliament.
The History of Parliament: The House of Commons, 1386-1421
Any such attempt is met by silence or indifference on the part of the secular media." But the British bishops have had
backstairs influence, he claimed.
Episcopal papers speak a bit on economic justice
They also added Irfan and his other family members have illegally encroached on the houses of Mission Hospital and also using police
backstairs influences.
St. Mary's Church Quetta matters reviewed