a wink of sleep

a wink of sleep

Any sleep at all. Often used in the negative. Our newborn son is rather colicky, so my wife and I haven't gotten a wink of sleep the last few nights.
See also: of, sleep, wink
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

a wink of sleep

n. a bit of sleep; the smallest amount of sleep. (Usually in the negative.) I couldn’t get a wink of sleep because of the noise.
See also: of, sleep, wink
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • not get a wink of sleep
  • not sleep a wink
  • sleep a wink, not
  • winks
  • sleep around the clock
  • lose sleep about (someone or something)
  • lose sleep over (someone or something)
  • (I've) got to go home and get my beauty sleep
  • beauty
  • got to go home and get my beauty sleep
References in classic literature
"Well, you did give it to us yesterday," said one of those who had come in; "you didn't let us get a wink of sleep all night."
Owner Ciaran McKenna said: "I didn't have a wink of sleep last night [Friday] with the excitement.
It goes without saying I didn't get a wink of sleep.
One waiter asked me yesterday how long we were here for as he didn't get a wink of sleep the night before due to our fans singing.
TRAVEL pillows may look all snuggly and comfy, but the reality is you're more likely to get a crick in the neck than a wink of sleep with one of those horrid squidgy sausages wedged round your neck.
TRAVEL pillows may look all snuggly and comfy, but the reality you're more likely to get a crick in the neck than a wink of sleep with one of those horrid squidgy sausages wedged round your neck.
"Not really a wink of sleep. Tossed and turned all night feeling extremely grumpy.
SHUNSUKE NAKAMURA didn't get a wink of sleep after Celtic's draw with ACMilan - because he failed to score two free-kicks.
Now, this is a work I have always admired more than loved, and although I can respect the part it plays in the Balanchine canon, its descent into the mists of legend never caused me to lose a wink of sleep. I was perhaps grateful that my first over-enthusiastic reviews could never come back to haunt me.
As we prepared to go live, a remarkably fresh–looking John Swinney told me he hadn't had a wink of sleep over the last 36 hours.
"I was so shocked and p***d off by what had happened and I just couldn't think straight so I didn't get a wink of sleep going into my biggest race of the year.
Well, nobody on the border will be getting a wink of sleep tonight after this terrifying look at the criminals running amok on their doorstep.
DUFFY WALDORF hardly got a wink of sleep before being first out yesterday at 6.30am - but it didn't stop him gaining a foothold in the championship with a fine 68 to take him to two-under.
He said: "It's still sinking in - I didn't get a wink of sleep."