in a pique
in a pique
slang Annoyed or indignant, typically because one feels slighted or snubbed. Come on, don't get in a pique about what Alice said—I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it. Ugh, I forgot to invite Cal to my party, and he's in a pique about it.
See also: pique
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
in a pique
Fig. having a feeling of resentment; feeling that one's pride has been hurt. In a real pique, Anne insulted all of her friends. John's found himself in a pique over Bob's harsh criticism.
See also: pique
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- pique
- huffy
- don't push
- don't push me
- Don't push!
- dander
- dander up
- (one's) nose is out of joint
- get the short end of the stick
- be fed up to the back teeth