

tv. to steal something. We doinked a few apples from the cart.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • fettie
  • bluh
  • bousta
  • Hey!
  • lucci
  • late
  • bout it
  • horseradish
  • base
  • case of the shorts
References in periodicals archive
I remember thinking to myself that somehow, the swing and pop of the ball on the racquet's sweet spot was just way more satisfying and more hypnotic than the whisk and doink of the shuttlecock.
SUNDERLAND TOMORROW subject to alteration 11.11 (450m): Dash Time, Denwill Magpie, Our Doink, In Force (M), Check In Charlie (M), Cu Sith Uine (M).
2.27 (450m): Linton Juicylucy, Sideshow Bob, Our Doink, Copeland Aaron (M), Allowdale Katie (M), Daras Confirmed (M).
Chad reveals his dance, "the doink doink," and that really gets the ladies riled up.
Jerry tossed his first bait for a drift and doink! Redfish on, but no tag.
"I was in the shower one morning and I noticed this trickle of blood, then - doink! - a lump of it just landed on the floor," Rossi told me.
Victoria, though Zimbabwean, spoke with a clipped royal maBritish accent and used words like "doink" and "golly" and more than once threatened to "biff'me!
on Saturday and be entertained by Empire Pro Wresting featuring the popular El Mascarado, Lexxus, and Doink the Clown.
'I was in the shower one morning and I noticed this trickle of blood, then - doink! - a lump of it just landed on the floor,' says Rossi, back-stage in Llandudno on the band's 40th anniversary tour.
Doink,Jock,Darren and his sister Tracy are the teenage kids of British Forces personnel.
Doink (James Marchant) is the nominal leader, a would-be tough guy,proud of a brother serving on the HMS Sheffield while his best friend Jock (Freddy White) joins him on octopus-hunting expeditions.
Doink, Jock, Darren and his sister Tracy are all children of the British Forces and spend their time sunbathing, drinking and hunting for octopus.
Darren Calum Callaghan Doink James Marchant Jock Stephen Wight Tracy Jenny Platt Gregory Burke's new play "The Straits" gets off to a balletic start courtesy of movement director Steven Hoggett, but don't be fooled: The Scottish scribe's sobering topic is a particularly blunt English machismo, whether or not Britain happens to be at war.
They set up camp on the other side of the meadow, about half a mile distant, but we can hear the clang of horseshoes and the aluminum doink! of bat meeting ball in the softball game, can see them rounding bases like crazy dogs chasing their tails, and that night we can hear them playing their trumpets, this Youth Bible Camp, and in my fevered half-sleep I imagine they are playing "Deguello," the Mexican call for "no mercy" that haunted the besieged Texans in the Alamo.
7.58 (450m H/c): Lisneal Kacie, Our Doink, Mackem Ghost, Starcash Raz, Burnfoot Nufnuf, Tallow Sky.