
  • (as) quiet as a lamb
  • (as) quiet as a mouse
  • (as) quiet as the grave
  • (someone had) better keep quiet about it
  • all quiet on the Potomac
  • all quiet on the Western Front
  • be (as) quiet as a mouse
  • be quiet
  • Be quiet!
  • Better keep still about it
  • do anything for a quiet life
  • keep quiet
  • keep quiet (about something)
  • keep quiet about something
  • let's go some place quiet(er)
  • let's go somewhere quiet(er)
  • Let's go somewhere where it's quiet
  • lovely and (something)
  • lovely and warm, cold, quiet, etc.
  • nice and (something)
  • on the quiet
  • peace and quiet
  • quiet as a lamb
  • quiet as a mouse
  • quiet as a mouse and *quiet as the grave
  • quiet down
  • quiet reflection
  • so quiet you could hear a pin drop
  • so still you could hear a pin drop
References in classic literature
He wriggled instantly to his feet and grasping the quiet stranger's beer glass from the bar, hurled it at Pete's head.
The quiet stranger had sprawled very pyrotechnically out on the sidewalk.
He might easily have entered their village without recourse to the gates, but he believed that a sudden and unaccountable disappearance when he was ready to leave them would result in a more lasting impression upon their childlike minds, and so as soon as the village was quiet in sleep he rose, and, leaping into the branches of the tree above him, faded silently into the black mystery of the jungle night.
In the village the chief maintained perfect quiet. He would permit no one to approach the sleeping visitor, nor any singing, nor loud talking.
An hour went by, and nothing happened except Laurie's quiet departure for the station.
When the first meeting was over, when our quiet and composure of other days began gradually to return to us, I saw something in my mother's face which told me that a secret oppression lay heavy on her heart.
I repeated that I had studies to pursue; that I wanted quiet; that I delighted in a garden and had vainly sought one up and down the city; that I would undertake that before another month was over the dear old house should be smothered in flowers.
But of the two evils his quick mind chose the lesser ere the first note of Sabor's scream had scarce broken the quiet of the jungle, and before the great beast had covered half her leap Tarzan felt the chill waters close above his head.
Under the porch, where she had sat when Heaven in its mercy brought her to that peaceful spot, she passed again; and the old church received her in its quiet shade.
A more remarkable face in its quiet, resolute, and guarded struggle with an unseen assailant, was not to be beheld in all the wide dominions of sleep, that night.
The excitement of suspense, heightening with every hour that brought him nearer the fatal moment, was too great, and in spite of his entreaties, in spite of his promises that he would be perfectly quiet, the schoolmaster watched too.
A month passed by, and Bonanza Creek remained quiet. A sprinkling of men had staked; but most of them, after staking, had gone on down to Forty Mile and Circle City.
On our return in the morning (28th) we were delighted to find all quiet, and the men employed in their canoes spearing fish.
Miss Blanche was quiet, up stairs, closeted with her maid in her own room.
A blue-eyed grass looked down on the worm, As it silently turned away, And cried, "Thou wilt harm our delicate leaves, And therefore thou canst not stay." Then a sweet, soft voice, called out from far, "Come hither, poor worm, to me; The sun lies warm in this quiet spot, And I'11 share my home with thee." The wondering flowers looked up to see Who had offered the worm a home: