quick fix

quick fix

A fast and often temporary solution to a problem. There is no quick fix for your financial problems. You must learn to budget your money and gradually cut down on your expenses. The politicians keep looking for quick fixes, unwilling to accept that it's going to take a fundamental overhaul of the system to resolve the problem.
See also: fix, quick
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

a quick fix

COMMON If something is a quick fix, it is a fast solution, but one which may not last. We encourage our clients to look for other ways to find comfort apart from the quick fix that food offers. There can be no quick fix for public spending. If the recovery fails to cut the deficit sharply, a rise in taxes will be needed. Note: You can also use quick-fix before a noun. The fight against crime is not a quick-fix operation.
See also: fix, quick
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

quick fix

1. n. a quick and probably none too permanent or satisfactory solution to a problem. The quick fix isn’t good enough in this case.
2. mod. having to do with a temporary or unsatisfactory solution or repair. (Usually quick-fix.) Frank is a master of the quick-fix solution.
See also: fix, quick
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • a quick fix
  • find the root of the problem
  • determine
  • determine the root of the problem
  • be in a fix
  • be/get in a fix
  • get at the root of the problem
  • get to the root of the problem
  • in a fix
  • cop a fix
References in periodicals archive
QUICK FIX: As easy as it is to lounge on the couch (yet) again, that lit report isn't going anywhere.
Through a process known as search engine optimization, or SEO, Prospect Genius will help Quick Fix Appliance Services perform better on search engine results pages.
According to the company, Aurora Quick Fix offers consumers an intelligent Relight tool, which creates a better, more realistic photo.
What can I do for my house as a quick fix to get rid of the mold and start feeling better while I look into long-term solutions for the problem?
Share action plans so the providers you're targeting or hoping to do (increased) business with see your responsiveness to identified issues, particularly on those quick fix items.
I guess my concerns were primed by "Quick Fix: How invasive seaweed repairs its wounds" (SN: 4/2/05, p.
This book is not meant to replace conventional therapy, or provide a quick fix to life's problems.
This isn't a light undertaking, nor a quick fix, but a necessary strategic realignment of information processing to prepare for the next generation of regulation and reporting.
(6) Low-carb energy bars are a quick fix on the go, $2.99, by Everlast.
Too often, and frequently in rebuttal to some of the more outlandish right-wing think tank climate change pieces, green Gaian gurus espouse the virtues of eating organic, vegetarian food, or some other quick fix, as a means of combating global warming.
Short-run tactics--the quick fix: The quick fix sounds good because in the short run, providing AlL services benefits the residents being served.
"It may seem like a quick fix, but [the bankruptcy] just fell off my credit report a couple of months ago," she says.
Yet for many companies, the elimination of jobs of going offshore for cheap labor is a quick fix but not a very realistic one.
Many storage industry vendors promised virtualization as a quick fix for achieving this vision of dynamic, efficient, easily configurable storage.
In the third chapter Livingston asks whether Christianity "throws gas on the flames of violence." He argues that the church should not assume the goal of reunion for the batterer and his family as a "quick fix" but rather should help the batterer move toward nonviolence via the intervention of men and women trained in the dynamics of domestic violence.