It is a proverb that '
courtesy costs nothing'; but calculation might come to value love for its profit.
Essays First Series
Please, Track 2000, respect costs nothing,
courtesy costs nothing. Do not bite the hand that feeds you or you may come to regret it.
Discourteous charity is very unwise to bite the hands that feed it; Yousay IN YOUR OPINION..
My first headmaster told me "
courtesy costs nothing" - a fairly sage maxim.
Confessions of a window cleaner on RUK; Inside the mind of three-time broadcaster of the year Nick Luck
courtesy costs nothing," says Swinton director Chris Collings.
pluqs& POINTS; in association with fish4
The thing I can't understand is why the warden didn't call him through the open door - it would have been courteous to do so - and there's my answer -
courtesy costs nothing.
family: dorinda mccann
Courtesy costs nothing and I am sure that we would all like to see better manners.
Racial integration is not all doom and gloom - report; ANALYSIS The jailing of four terrorists behind the failed 21/7 bomb plot, has once again thrown racial integration into the spotlight. Here Dr Peter Patel, chair of the Human City Institute, argues segregated communities are still all too evident in Birmingham