grab the bull by the horns
To approach, confront, or deal with a problem or difficult situation directly and with clear, confident action. I grabbed the bull by the horns and confronted my manager about the blatant sexism in the office. I've been complaining about being out of work for too long—it's time to grab the bull by the horns and go find a job!
See also: bull, by, grab, horn
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
/take the bull by the horns To deal with a problem directly and resolutely.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
- a drowning man will grab at a straw
- be up for grabs
- bite
- catch (a)hold of (someone or something)
- catch/get/grab/take hold of somebody/something
- get hold of (one)
- grab
- grab (a)hold of (someone)
- grab (one's) attention
- grab (someone or something) by the throat
- grab (something) by the throat
- grab (something) off (of) (one)
- grab (the) headlines
- grab a chair
- grab a seat
- grab and go
- grab at
- grab at (someone or something)
- grab at a straw
- grab at straws
- grab attention
- grab away
- grab away from (someone or something)
- grab bag
- grab for (someone or something)
- grab on
- grab on to (someone or something)
- grab some bench
- grab some rays
- grab someone by the throat
- grab someone/something by the throat
- grab the bull by its horns
- grab the bull by the horns
- grab the headlines
- grab/hit/make the headlines
- How does (something) grab you?
- how does that grab you
- How does that grab you?
- how does...grab you?
- make a grab at
- make a grab at (someone or something)
- make a grab for (someone or something)
- take (a)hold of (someone or something)
- take the bull by the horns
- the bull must be taken by the horns
- third rail
- up for grabs