And there are plenty of helpings of blame to go around -- fast food, slow metabolism, excessive
elbow-bending. POURTIONS was created to help you take back the power and counter this unhealthy trend."
Macy's pulls plates that say a meal is 'skinny jeans' or 'mom jeans' size
"Every day that the [Chicago] Cubs had a home game, I would head down to Wrigleyville and do a little pregame
elbow-bending with some of the Windy City's most faithful fans...."
Take me out to the ballfields
Many fans and historians blame Houk for over-working a twenty-one-year-old arm that threw dozens of
elbow-bending sliders to the tune of 250 innings and twenty-four complete games.
The bird: the life and legacy of mark fidrych
Wales' defence was aggressive and such was their achievement in not conceding a point that the Barbarians did not enjoy their customary post-match
elbow-bending and went straight to their hotel.
Baa-Baas are tarnished
Take three seconds to slowly initiate the
elbow-bending movement and seven to complete the lift.
Slow burn - 30 minutes a week to a better body; Sex And The City's Cynthia Nixon used it to get in shape after giving birth and Brad Pitt swears by it. Now you can get a toned figure without hours of graft
Luckily the layout gives you room for a breather with an airier seating area near the door and, despite the apparent lack of space, Ad Lib has a Tardis- like talent, allowing everyone enough
elbow-bending room.
Club: Papacool; This cool night is great for the soul
But they soon discovered the only pre-match warm-up Roger had taken part in was of the
elbow-bending variety.
How the drunken goalie was ten down... and that was only hauf time
Brands include the Formaster tube-end-forming machine, Databend CNC, and a new
elbow-bending machine whose cutoff saw can be repositioned to vary the cut angle of each bent component.
U.K's Addison Buys Its U.S. Agent