

slang Very ugly; hideous. A portmanteau of "butt ugly." Wow, that is some bugly wallpaper!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


(ˈbəg li)
mod. butt-ugly; really ugly. I have never seen such a bugly guy in my life!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • fugly
  • butt ugly
  • butt-ugly
  • ugly customer
  • coyote
  • coyote ugly
  • coyote-ugly
  • bowser
  • eddress
  • edress
References in periodicals archive
HORRID HENRY: THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE BUGLY, Nintendo 3DS, pounds 34.9 HE'S a kind of Dennis The Menace for the 21st Century, living out an all-action boy's life that centres on bugs, gunge and getting on your sister's nerves.
Rating: 82% Horrid Henry: The Good, The Bad & The Bugly Platform: Nintendo 3DS Genre: Action Price: pounds 34.99 ASIN: B005O64WWW He''s a kind of Dennis The Menace for the 21st Century, living out an all-action boy''s life that centres on bugs, gunge and getting on your sister''s nerves.
CREEP SHOW Another mozzie is born in pot INGENIOUS Will and Matt's camera studio in Sevenoaks UGLY BUGLY Newborn mosquito breaks through its larva on water surface