close the sale

close a/the sale

To reach an agreement with a buyer; to finalize a sale by persuading the interested party to complete the purchase. We need to move in a month, so how quickly can you close a sale? Obviously, we're looking for salespeople who can consistently close the sale.
See also: close, sale
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

close the sale

Also, close the deal; close on a sale or deal . Complete a transaction, as in Jack was delighted to close the sale. This term applies to such transactions as the sale of a house, also put as closing on a house, as well as negotiations leading up to a sale. The latter was also put as to close a bargain, a phrase used by Charles Dickens and other 19th-century writers: "He closed the bargain directly it reached his ears," Nicholas Nickleby, 1838.
See also: close, sale
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • close a sale
  • close a/the sale
  • sale
  • so far so good
  • so far, so good
  • two steps forward and one step back
  • seal the deal
  • seal a bargain
  • seal the bargain
  • throw (oneself) at (someone's) head
References in periodicals archive
Toshiba announced on March 26 the progress made in satisfying the conditions required to close the sale of Toshiba Memory Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Toshiba, to K.K.
GE Capital, the financial services division of General Electric Co (NYSE:GE), is looking to close the sale of its GE Money Bank AB (Nordics) consumer finance business to Santander Consumer Finance SA in the fourth quarter of 2014.
I have the skills, competency and experience to do the job, but it's hard for me to close the sale. Does this mean I'm just a bad salesperson?
Swiss food giant Nestle (VTX:NESN) will close the sale of its stake in US-Swiss eye-care firm Alcon (NYSE:ACL) to Novartis (VTX:NOVN) by the end of the third quarter of 2010, according to Nestle presentation materials.
If you, the sales representative, have listened well, provided the right product, right solution and the right price, you have a responsibility to yourself and your customer to close the sale."
PR Beverages, which was formed last year in an effort to "respond more quickly to dynamics in the Russian marketplace" is expected to close the sale in the second quarter of the year, said the companies.
office in Cranbury, N.J.) will soon close the sale of its global silicones business to China National BlueStar Corp.
The REIT put a high premium on the buyer's ability to close the sale and wouldn't accept conditions in the merger agreement that could be potential logjams.
In the remodeling business, we generally use the term "inducement" to refer to the giving of something of value--cash, a coupon, a free gift--to a prospective customer and, in exchange, we are able to demonstrate the product, conduct a sales presentation, or close the sale.
Many CPAs follow this argument with: "I used to recommend investments, then pass the client along to another professional to close the sale. Why shouldn't I be the one to get the commission, instead of giving it to someone else who doesn't know as much about the client?"
Perhaps the most compelling evidence of this is the high percentage of Web-enabled consumers who use the Internet to research life insurance but rely upon an agent to close the sale.
When parents become confused, fragmented, and even detached during the camp decision process, it gives the well-prepared camp an opportunity to step in, become constructively supportive, and likely close the sale.
exporter's distributors and potential clients and structure financing that helps close the sale," adds Starfire.
However, the facility should continue to show and operate smoothly, no matter how close the sale date might be.
Thus, no gain or loss on a short sale against the box is recognized until the short seller delivers stock to the lender to close the sale.