Seeking additional services, applying for employment and taking care of one's health all require the ability to
assert oneself. Stepping Up participants are taught six steps to self-advocacy:
Mixing advocacy with treatment: a California treatment center helps clients find a voice on community issues
Murad said it's hard to
assert oneself on the international scene when coming from a small nation plagued by conflict.
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The winter that touches us most deeply is the coldness, hardness and unrelenting bitterness which comes from a determination to
assert oneself over and above every other need.
An air of renewal and revitalization
Thus, if the social skill of knowing how to
assert oneself without being violent makes one's life better by improving interpersonal relationships, that skill will be used.
Intended for children in grades 3-6, the activities range from learning how to
assert oneself and develop basic time management to building teamwork skills to teaming up to make a coloring book for younger kids or writing poetry.
Quick and Lively Classroom Activities
Even political discrimination can affect one's ability to
assert oneself. For example, Hispanic women who are not fluent in English or not U.S.
Sexual assertiveness and adolescents' sexual rights. (Viewpoint)