The overtime pay topic, as well as the issue of whether adjusters actually engage in the practice of law, was debated by editors of the FC&S Bulletins during an educational session at the ACE*SCLA Annual Claims Exposition and Conference held here in late October.
In that case, the court reasoned that adjusters employed by insurance companies do not engage in the unauthorized practice of law.
Claim adjusters deliberate overtime pay, law questions
Never mind that, at the time of Malvo's detention, no one could have predicted that he would
engage in homicidal violence.
Guilty by association: note to conservatives; most immigrants aren't terrorists. (Columns)
"By my definition," she explains, "meaningful activities are activities residents can
engage in that produce a positive result for them, either by making them feel they've done something well or by simply making them laugh, such as improvisational role-playing for the sheer fun of it.
Alzheimer's care: Accentuating the positive. (Feature Article)
The perception remains widespread that ADL continues to engage in surveillance of Arab and Muslim groups, and that it will continue to intimidate and silence those voices it deems 'anti-Semitic' under its broad definition that equates anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism or criticism of Israel.
(110) During the Gulf War crisis, government officials fingerprinted and photographed all entrants of Iraqi and Kuwaiti origin--regardless of past activities or evidence that they actually intended to engage in terrorism.
The aftermath of September 11, 2001: The targeting of Arabs and Muslims in America
Second, section 406 of ERISA forbids a fiduciary from causing a plan to
engage in certain "prohibited transactions" with a "party in interest." Prohibited transactions are per se violations of ERISA, regardless of whether they otherwise satisfy the fiduciary duties of section 404, or even if they are favorable for the plan.
ERISA liability for CPAs
Today, Hare Krishnas chant and dance, Moonies
engage in rousing cheers, and no doubt they have a good time doing so, but the business of the left has always
Was It Good for You?
A substantial number of TEI members work for multinational companies that
engage in international trade, including many non-U.S.
OECD draft transfer pricing guidelines
Those who come to study, teach,
engage in research or receive training and intend to return to their home country are nonimmigrants; they are granted visas of the following types: * "F": For an alien who is a bona fide student qualified to pursue a full course of study and who seeks to enter the U.S.
U.S. taxation of nonimmigrant students, teachers and trainees
In the I.N.S.'s view, the immigration laws make deportable not only those who
engage in or support terrorist acts but all those who support lawful acts undertaken by a group that has also engaged in "terrorism," defined to include virtually any unlawful violent act.
It's alive and well at the I.N.S.; guilt by association
Two Indian naval ships - INS Deepak and INS Tabar - will dock in Mina Salman Port today to enhance bilateral ties and
engage in naval exercises with regional forces.
Indian ships join naval exercises
Bush seems to understand and embrace the simple idea that Mexicans deserve economic opportunity- in the sense of freedom to
engage in voluntary, productive exchange- as much as anyone born north of the Rio Grande.
Breast men: Mexican immigrants want to fillet our chickens. The INS is determined to stop them