That you, on 16 December 2013, at Affin Bank Berhad, Bangunan Getah Asli Branch, Tingkat Bawah, 148, Jalan Ampang, in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, did engage in money laundering, in that you
engaged directly in a transaction that involves proceeds of unlawful activity, to wit, by causing to be deposited proceeds of unlawful activity amounting to RM100,000.00 into Affin Bank Berhad account number: 1 58 belonging to you, thereby you have committed an offence under Section 4(1)(a) of the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 (Act 613), punishable under Section 4(1) of the same Act.
The laundry list of Rosmah's money-laundering charges
The court was informed that the EOBI had
engaged different private counsel in 87 cases in violation of rules.
SC serves notices on two judges in EOBI fee case
Talal Chaudhry appearing before the court submitted that he had
engaged Asma Jehangir for pleading his case but she has passed away hence more time is required to engage a new counsel .
SC gives one more week to Talal to engage counsel
A new study by management consultancy firm Gallup has revealed that only 16 per cent of employees in the UAE feel
engaged in their jobs, and that improvements in this metric would help the country achieve its happiness and positivity targets.
Better employee engagement would improve UAE life satisfaction
The session explored how to keep employees
engaged, ensure they develop their full potential, and stay committed to their role so they contribute very best to the success of a hotel.
Employee engagement is vital in hospitality
workforce (51%) is not
engaged, according to Gallup's State of the American Workplace report.
The Right Culture: Not About Employee Happiness
The first stage of engaging foreign consultants was initiated two years ago, which Macedonian companies used as advisory bodies, and so far 50 foreign consultants have been
This year to engage 55 foreign experts
(OTCQB: ENGA) is a mobile technology, marketing and data company that help businesses acquire new customers and keep existing customers
engaged. The Mobile Engagement System is a proprietary technology that delivers a value-added service to the consumer and corporate customers.
The Hay Group, for instance, has found that only two-thirds of employees worldwide are
engaged and that these numbers have been falling since 2007.
Are you sure your employees are engaged?
Slovenia enterprises
engaged in manufacturing with the highest share of net revenues from sales on the foreign market The export orientation indicator compares net revenues from sales on the foreign market with net sales revenues.
The greatest Slovenian exporters are enterprises engaged in manufacturing
Gallup classified the 82,000 employed participants as "actively disengaged" with work, "not
engaged by work" or "
engaged" with work by looking at how the participants responded to questions about how satisfied they are with their jobs, how much effort they put in, and what they think about their employers.
Gallup: Engaged workers take care of themselves
Synopsis: American workers who are
engaged in their work and workplace eat healthier, exercise more frequently, and consume more fruits or vegetables.
In U.S., Engaged Employees Exercise More, Eat Healthier; More than half of engaged employees exercise frequently
We wanted to learn more about how they're spending their money, which brands they choose, why they make the choices they do, and how
engaged they are with the brands they're using or considering.
Luring Restaurant Customers Back; For many people, dining out hasn't been on the menu since the recession. But there are ways to whet customers' appetites