expand (one's) horizons

expand (one's) horizons

To have or seek out new experiences, especially if one's experiences have been relatively limited. I'm really nervous to live at school, but I know I need to expand my horizons and get some experience living without my family. I can't believe that Molly has never left the state before! She seriously needs to expand her horizons!
See also: expand, horizon
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

expand one's horizons

Fig. to experience and learn new things. Read more! Travel! Go out and expand your horizons!
See also: expand, horizon
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • expand
  • expand horizons
  • widen (one's) horizons
  • (one's) heart stands still
  • one's heart stands still
  • they that live longest see most
  • the school of life
  • the university of life
  • learning experience
  • what doesn't kill you makes you stronger