brown bag it
brown-bag it
1. To pack one's own food (e.g., in a brown paper bag), especially lunch, usually for work or school. People who brown bag it each day eat healthier foods than those who go out for lunch.
2. vulgar slang, hypothetical To cover someone's head (e.g. with a brown paper bag) while having sex with them because one thinks they are ugly. Typically said of women. Dude, you're gonna have to brown-bag it if you take that chick home with you—yikes!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
brown bag it
1. tv. to carry one’s lunch from home, as in a brown paper bag; to eat a lunch brought from home rather than go out to eat. I’m broke, so I’ll have to brown bag it today.
2. tv. to copulate with a very ugly person (woman). (A play on sense 1 The person receiving the action is so ugly as to require a paper bag covering over the face to make the process less odious.) He hated to date and was too proud to brown bag it. So he suffered.
See also: bag, brown
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- brown-bag it
- brownbagging
- brown-bagging
- brown bag
- brown-bag
- at will
- eat for two
- about (one's) business
- about business
- be hoist by (one's) own petard