sky's the limit, the

the sky's the limit

Anything is possible. The sky's the limit for our talented graduates!
See also: limit
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

The sky's the limit.

Inf. there is no upper limit. I can afford it. The sky's the limit. You can do anything you set your mind to, Billy. The sky's the limit.
See also: limit
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

sky's the limit, the

There is no limit (to ambition, aspirations, expense, or the like). For example, Order anything you like on the menu-the sky's the limit tonight, or He's so brilliant he can do anything-the sky's the limit. This metaphoric idiom was first recorded in 1920.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

the sky's the limit

COMMON You say the sky's the limit to mean that someone or something could be extremely successful. `How much are you hoping to make for this charity of yours?' — `Well loads hopefully. I mean the sky's the limit.' Asked how far the young tennis player could go, McEnroe said simply: `The sky's the limit.'
See also: limit
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

the sky’s the ˈlimit

(spoken, informal) there is no limit or end to something, especially somebody’s success or progress: For an ambitious young woman in this business, the sky’s the limit.
See also: limit
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

sky's the limit, the

As much as one wishes; an infinite or unlimited amount. Although the idea was expressed centuries earlier, the precise wording here dates only from the twentieth century. One writer believes it originated in gambling and referred to there being no limit to the size of a bet (in poker the limit is the maximum amount by which a player may increase a previous bet). The term has been more generally applied since the 1920s.
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • the sky is the limit
  • the sky’s the limit
  • the sky's the limit
  • go to the limit
  • be the (absolute) limit
  • be the limit
  • limit
  • double nickels
  • go the limit
  • cut it close
References in periodicals archive
Paul Nicholls sends over Arkle third Noland, with the quality entry also including theEdwardO'Grady-trained Sky's the Limit, the Willie Mullins-trained Scotsirish and the Jessie Harringtontrained Badgerlaw.
Sky's The Limit, the 9-4 favourite for the 2m4f Grade 1 event, was scoring his second win over fences and had his task eased when Kazal fell three out and Drunken Disorderly came down at the second-last.