Detectives say he is
armed and dangerous and should not be approached.
ARMED AND ON THE RUN; Police warn not to approach this dangerous man
At least where orders to drop the weapon have gone unheeded, an officer is not required to wait until an
armed and dangerous felon has drawn a bead on the officer or others before using deadly force." (32)
Use-of-force policies and training: a reasoned approach (part two). (Legal Digest)
Their dedication and hard work over the last six months may have saved many lives." Attorney General Janet Reno was also effusive, declaring that the BATF agents had bravely defended the nation from "a potentially dangerous situation." Raymond Kelly, the Treasury Department undersecretary who oversees the BATF, hailed the demise of an "
armed and dangerous" militia group bent on stirring up "civil unrest."
Raiding the vipers' nest
In short, the FBI winks at
armed and dangerous right-wing groups and keeps under surveillance nonviolent centrist and left-wing groups which have never been a threat to anyone.
Armed and dangerous: the threat of the "patriot militias."(Cover Story)
They observed no unusual conduct that might have led the officers to reasonably conclude, in light of their experience and training, that criminal activity was about to occur or that the individuals with whom they were dealing were
armed and dangerous. Officers are entitled to conduct a carefully limited search of the outer clothing of individuals who pose a danger to them for the protection of themselves and others in the area and in an attempt to discover weapons which might be used to assault them.
Anonymous Tips and Frisks
They also know that when one is
armed and dangerous, others, even government bureaucrats, tend to leave a person alone.
Extreme prejudice
In considering the availability of other options, agents are reminded that pursuing an
armed and dangerous subject is not a safe one.
FBI training on the new federal deadly force policy
...there must be a narrowly drawn authority to permit a reasonable search for weapons for the protection of the police officer, where he has reason to believe that he is dealing with an
armed and dangerous individual, regardless of whether he has probable cause to arrest the individual for a crime.(6)
Police officer safety and the Constitution