These optimistic embracers err in their confidence that the
microaggression program, trigger warnings, and the idea of speech as violence will actually achieve what they're intended to.
The Free Speech Crisis on Campus Is Worse than People Think
Regardless of your profession, we have all been there--having a conversation with a White colleague about the daily
microaggressions or blatant racism that we endure as people of color in the workplace.
Moving from Ally to Accomplice: How Far Are You Willing to Go to Disrupt Racism in the Workplace?
After other such supposed acts of "
microaggression," three militant "students of color" brought in a score of other students of color who were not in the class, a reporter and a photographer from the campus newspaper, and entered Rust's class.
How the DIVERSITY Crusade Is Destroying Our Culture
Coping with racial
microaggressions: The moderating effects of coping strategies on
microaggression distress (Doctoral dissertation).
Black Men and Racial Microaggressions at Work
Free-speech rights are paramount, yet the rise of "
microaggressions" or overt hate speech cannot be tolerated.
5 ways to avoid a free-speech crisis: Administrators walk a fine line when confronting the right to be heard
But when you run the
microaggression redline and attach it to the email and are about to hit "send," think about the effect you're about to have on opposing counsel.
The microaggression of document redlining
To recognize racism's concrete impact on people of color's health, we have to stop treating people of color like they're overreacting to bias that's displayed through
The Devil is in the Details: Microaggressions are a Public Health Issue
So if someone closes the elevator door before I get to it, knowing that I'm coming to the elevator, like I said, I know that that's a
microaggression. Even though she didn't say "I don't want you in the elevator with me."
Critical Race Theory and Hmong American Education
Even better news: Because said analogy was posited squarely opposite of tradition and religiosity, there will be nary a murmur or complaint of '
microaggression,' triggering, 'harmful verbal conduct,' bullying, harassment, hate speech, discrimination, 'toxic masculinity,' etc., ad nauseam.
Free Speech
I first heard the term "
microaggression" while eating dinner with a group of Asian-American students at Williams College back in 2012.
Meme Wars: Why the Racial Future of America Hinges upon Asian Americans
Next, confounding between the variable "
microaggression frequency" (and "
microaggression distress") and other independent variables was assessed by adding and then removing each independent variable to a logistic regression model predicting depression.
Speech codes, trigger warnings, safe spaces,
microaggression call-outs, that whole panoply of "protections"--these are not so much imposed as insisted on.
The Danger of Too Much Safety
It manifests itself in the form of what the American psychiatrist Chester Pierce terms "
The Challenges of Multicultural London in Zadie Smith's "The Embassy of Cambodia"
As Greg relayed, "They believe I got here and took their spot." The false assumptions of some White students that their Black peers had secured admission to Unity through affirmative action rather than on their own merit proved to be an underlying
microaggression towards Black students.
Marginality and Mattering: Black Student Leaders' Perceptions of Public and Private Racial Regard
Microaggression Underlying Assumption/Hidden Meaning Being mistaken for another person in the same racial group People of the same race are all the Example: A counselor calls same a camper from Korea by the Your culture is not valued name of a camper from Japan and Denial of ethnic differences shrugs it off saying, "I always get them confused.
Social Justice Series: Recognizing Microaggressions at Camp