

词组 screw up
释义 screw upv. phr. slang, semi-vul-gar, best avoided (stress on up) (重读up)〖俚〗〖粗〗〖忌〗1To make a mess of, to make an error which causes confusion. 弄糟;搞乱;把…弄得一团糟。◆ The treasurer screwed up the accounts of the Society so badly that he had to be fired.会计把协会的账目弄得一团糟,只得被解雇。2To cause someone to be neurotic or maladjusted. 使紧张;使神经不正常。◆ Her divorce screwed her up so badly that she had to go to a shrink.离婚使她精神失常,以致不得不去找精神病医生。




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