

词组 pass off
释义 pass offv.1To sell or give (something) by false claims; offer (something fake) as genuine. 用欺骗手段把…卖掉。◆ The dishonest builder passed off a poorly built house by pretending it was well constructed.那个不诚实的建筑商把粗制滥造的房子冒充好房子卖掉。2To claim to be someone you are not; pretend to be someone else. 冒充(某人)。◆ He passed himself off as a doctor until someone checked his record.他一直冒充自己是医生,直到有人查了他的档案为止。3To go away gradually; disappear. 渐渐消失。◆ Tom's morning headache had passed off by that night.到了那天晚上,汤姆早晨的头疼就好了。4To reach an end; run its course from beginning to end. (顺利地)进行,举行;完成。◆ The party passed off well.聚会进行得很顺利。




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