

词组 pass the buck
释义 pass the buckv. phr.informal To make another person decide something or accept a responsibility or give orders instead of doing it yourself; shift or escape responsibility or blame; put the duty or blame on someone else. 〖非正式〗推诿责任(给某人);归罪(于某人)。◆ If you break a window, do not pass the buck; admit that you did it. — buck-passer n. phr. A person who passes the buck.如果你打破了窗子,不要推卸责任,要承认是你干的。老是推卸责任的人。◆ Mr. Jones was a buck-passer even at home, and tried to make his wife make all the decisions. — buck-passing n. or adj.琼斯先生甚至在家中也不愿承担责任,他把一切决定权都要交给妻子。推卸责任(的)。◆ Buck-passing clerks in stores make customers angry.商店里推卸责任的店员令顾客气愤。




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