

词组 flotsam and jetsam
释义 flotsam and jetsamn. phr.1Ruinous remains floating in the sea after a shipwreck.(漂浮于水面的)船只残骸(或货物)。◆ The fishermen on shore saw a lot of flotsam and jetsam being moved by the waves.岸上的渔民看到许多浮于水面的货物正被海浪冲向岸边。2Human wreckage. 流离失所的人。◆ On the embankment we saw the flotsam and jetsam of exhausted immigrants standing in line for admission to America.在堤岸上我们看到那些筋疲力尽、流离失所的移民正排队站在那儿申请进入美国。




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