

词组 come to grips with
释义 come to grips withv. phr.1To get hold of (another wrestler) in close fighting. 与(另一摔跤手)扭打在一起;与…搏斗。◆ After circling around for a minute, the two wrestlers came to grips with each other.两个摔跤手绕了一会儿圈后便相互扭打在一起。2To struggle seriously with (an idea or problem). 认真对付;认真处理(问题等)。◆ Mr. Blake's teaching helps students come to grips with the important ideas in the history lesson.布莱克先生的教学有助于学生认真思考历史课上的重要观念。◆ Harry cannot be a leader, because he never quite comes to grips with a problem.哈里不能做领导人,因为他从来不能认真处理问题。




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