

词组 diehard
释义 diehardadj. phr. (Stress on die)(重读die)1(of objects, tools, instruments, etc. ) Possessing the ability to withstand extended use and depletion of energy.(物件、工具、器械等)经久耐用的;节能的。◆ If you want your flashlight to work for several weeks, you had better get some diehard batteries.你如果想要手电筒能用上数周,最好买一些节能电池。2(of people) A staunch adherer to a religion, a political view, or some set of values.(人)顽固的,死硬的。◆ Nick is a diehard Roman Catholic and a registered Republican voter besides, but his younger brother Pete is a diehard agnostic and a libertarian. 尼克是一位顽固的天主教徒,而且是名已登记的共和党选民,而他的弟弟皮特却是一位顽固的不可知论者和自由论者。




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