

词组 come to
释义 come tov. (stress on to)(重读to) 1To wake up after losing consciousness; get the use of your senses back again after fainting or being knocked out. 苏醒;恢复知觉。◆ The boxer who was knocked out did not come to for five minutes.那个拳击手被击昏5分钟后还没有恢复知觉。◆ The doctor gave her a pill and after she took it she didn't come to for two days.医生给了她一粒药片,她服用两天后没苏醒。2(stress on come)(重读come) To get enough familiarity or understanding to; learn to; grow to. — Used with an infinitive. 终于;逐渐;开始。——与不定式连用。◆ John was selfish at first, but he came to realize that other people counted, too.约翰最初很自私,但后来他逐渐认识到别的人也重要。3To result in or change to; reach the point of; arrive at. 结果是;变成;达到。◆ Mr. Smith lived to see his invention come to success.史密斯先生活着看到了他的发明获得成功。4To have something to do with; be in the field of; be about. — Usually used in the phrase when it comes to. 与…有关;涉及;关于。——通常用于短语when it comes to.◆ Joe is not good in sports, but when it comes to arithmetic he's the best in the class.乔在体育上不行,但就算术而言却是班上最好的。




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