

词组 flip one's lid also flip one's wig
释义 flip one's lid also flip one's wigslang 〖俚〗1To lose one's temper. 发脾气。◆ When that pushy salesman came back Mom really flipped her lid.当那个莽撞的推销员又折了回来时,妈妈真的发火了。2To lose your mind; become insane. 失去理智;发疯。◆ When he offered me three times the pay I was getting, I thought he had flipped his lid.当他提出要给我3倍于现在的工资时,我想他是疯了。3To become unreasonably enthusiastic. 变得狂热;着迷。◆ She flipped her lid over a hat she saw in the store window.她非常想买她在商店橱窗里看到的一顶帽子。




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