

词组 come up with
释义 come up withv. phr.1To offer. 提出。◆ We can always depend on John Smith to come up with a good solution for any problem we might have.我们总能指望约翰·史密斯对我们可能遇到的任何问题提出一个好的解决办法来。2To produce on demand. 提供;根据要求拿出。◆ I won't be able to buy this car, because I cannot come up with the down payment you require.我没法买这辆车,因为我拿不出你要求的首付款。3To find. 找到;想出。◆ How on earth did you come up with such a brilliant idea?你究竟是怎么想出这样一个绝妙的主意的?




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