

词组 come up
释义 come upv.1To become a subject for discussion or decision to talk about or decide about. 被讨论;被考虑;被提到。◆ The question of wage increases came up at the board meeting.董事会上讨论过增加工资的问题。◆ Mayor Jones comes up for reelection this fall.琼斯市长决定今年秋天竞选连任。2To be equal; match in value. — Used with to. 等于;比得上;达到。——与to连用。◆ The new model car comes up to last year's.新型号的汽车与去年的一样好。3To approach; come close. 接近;走近;走上前来。◆ We saw a big black bear coming up on us from the woods.我们看到一头大黑熊从树林中向我们走来。◆ Christmas is coming up soon.圣诞节快到了。4To provide; supply; furnish. — Used with with. 提供;提出;供应。——与with连用。◆ The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted came up with a good answer.老师问了一个很难的问题,最后由泰德提供了一个很好的回答。




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