

词组 rear end
释义 rear endn.1The back part (usually of a vehicle)(通常指车辆的)后部;尾端。◆ The rear end of our car was smashed when we stopped suddenly and the car behind us hit us. — Often used like an adjective, with a hyphen.我们急车时,后面的车子把我们的汽车后部撞坏了。常加连词符用作形容词。◆ A head-on crash is more likely to kill the passengers than a rear-end crash.正面相撞比追尾相撞更容易使乘客致死。2Rump; backside. 屁股;臀部。◆ Bobby's mother was so annoyed with his teasing that she swatted his rear end.鲍比的母亲被他不停的纠缠惹火了,于是狠狠打了他几下屁股。




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