

词组 it takes two to tango
释义 it takes two to tangoCo-operation is always necessary in order to accomplish something, whether good or bad. — A proverb. 〖谚〗要有两个人才能跳探戈;要办成事需要两个人合作。◆ If you won't help me restore the business to normal, we'll never get anyplace. You should know that it takes two to tango.如果你不肯帮我把生意恢复正常,我们永远也不会成功。你应该知道,办任何事情都需要两个人配合才行。◆ "Who starts all those quarrels next door? " Suzie asked her girlfriend Mable. "I think it's the husband," Mable replied, "but the wife must also be involved. After all it takes two to tango. "“隔壁的争吵是谁先引起来的?”苏茜问她的女友梅布尔。“我想是那个丈夫,”梅布尔回答说,“但那个妻子肯定也有责任。毕竟,一个巴掌拍不响。”




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