

词组 run into
释义 run intov.1To mix with; join with. 与…混在一起;渗入;流入。◆ If the paint brush is too wet, the red paint will run into the white on the house.如果刷子太湿,红漆就会渗入房子的白漆里。◆ This small brook runs into a big river in the valley below.小溪流入下面山谷的大河里。2To add up to; reach; total. 共计;合计为。◆ Car repairs can run into a lot of money.修车可能会花很多钱。◆ A good dictionary may run into several editions.一本好字典可以出好几版。3aBump; crash into; hit. 撞在…上;与…相撞。◆ Joe lost control of his bike and ran into a tree.乔没有控制住自行车,撞到了一棵树上。3bTo meet by chance. 偶然碰到。◆ I ran into Joe yesterday on Main Street.我昨天在大街上碰到了乔。3cBe affected by; get into. 遭遇;陷入。◆ I ran into trouble on the last problem on the test.我被试卷中的最后一道题难住了。




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