

词组 pull up
释义 pull upv.1To check the forward motion of; halt; stop. (使)停下;(使)停止。◆ He pulled up his horse at the gate.他在大门口把马勒住。2To tell (someone) to stop doing something; say (someone) is doing wrong and must stop; scold. 制止;纠正;责骂。◆ Jim talked rudely to Mother, and Father pulled him up.吉姆跟母亲讲话没礼貌,父亲责备了他。3To stop moving forward; halt. 停止前进;停止。◆ The car slowed down and pulled up at the curb.汽车减速在路边停了下来。4To come even with; move up beside. 赶上,追上。◆ The other boat pulled up alongside us.另外那条船追上了我们。




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