

词组 bowl over
释义 bowl overv. informal 1To knock down as if with a bowled ball. 撞倒,击倒。◆ The taxi hit him a glancing blow and bowled him over.出租汽车从斜里撞了他一下,把他撞倒了。2To astonish with success or shock with misfortune; upset; stun. 使大吃一惊;使心烦意乱;使目瞪口呆。◆ He was bowled over by his wife's sudden death.妻子的突然去世使他大为震惊。◆ The young actress bowled over everybody in her first movie.那位年轻女演员在她的第一部电影中就使每个人大吃一惊。




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