

词组 hem and haw
释义 hem and hawv. phr.1To pause or hesitate while speaking, often with little throat noises. 说话嗯嗯呃呃;吞吞吐吐;支支吾吾。◆ The man was a poor lecturer because he hemmed and hawed too much.那个人不太会演说,因为他说话时嗯嗯呃呃太多。2To avoid giving a clear answer; be evasive in speech. 搪塞着不表态;闪烁其词,模棱两可。◆ The principal asked Bob why he was late to school, and Bob only hemmed and hawed.校长问鲍勃为什么上学迟到,鲍勃只是嗯嗯呃呃,不做明确回答。




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