

词组 set up
释义 set upv.1To provide the money for the necessities for. 资助…开业。◆ When he was twenty-one, his father set him up in the clothing business.在他21岁时,父亲资助他经营服装业。2To establish; start. 建立;开办。◆ The government has set up many hospitals for veterans of the armed forces.政府已为退伍军人开办了很多医院。3To make ready for use by putting the parts together or into their right place. 装配;安装。◆ The men set up the new printing press.工人们将新的印刷机装配起来。4To bring into being; cause. 使产生;引起。◆ Ocean tides are set up by the pull between earth and the moon.海潮是由地球与月球之间的引力所引起的。5To claim; pretend. 声称;自称。◆ He set himself up to be a graduate of a medical school, but he was not.他自称是医学院的毕业生,但其实不是。6To harm someone by entrapment or some other ruse. 设计陷害。◆ Joe was actually innocent of the robbery, but his "trusted friends" set him up, so the police found the gun in his car.乔其实并没有参与抢劫,但他“可信的朋友们”设计陷害他,所以警察在他的汽车里找到了那支枪。




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