

词组 fall to
释义 fall tov. (stress on to)(重读to)1To begin to work. 开始工作。◆ The boys fell to and quickly cut the grass.男孩子们开始工作,很快就割完了草。2To begin to fight. 开始打架。◆ They took out their swords and fell to.他们拔出剑来开始决斗。3To begin to eat. 开始吃。◆ The hungry boys fell to before everyone sat down.大家还没有全坐下,饥饿的男孩子们就开始吃了起来。4Begin; start. 开始。◆ The old friends met and fell to talking about their school days.老朋友们一见面便开始谈起了学生时代的生活。




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