

词组 go by
释义 go byv.1To go or move past; pass. 走过;经过。◆ Bob had to go by the post office on his way to school, so he mailed the letter.鲍勃去学校的路上得经过邮局,所以便把那封信寄走了。2To follow; copy; obey. 遵循;遵守;依照。◆ Mother goes by a pattern when she makes a dress.母亲总是按照纸样缝制连衣裙。◆ If you ride a bicycle, you must go by the rules of the road.你骑自行车必须遵守交通规则。3To be known by; be called. 称作;被叫做。◆ Many actors do not go by their real names.很多演员不用他们的真名。4To pass; be over; end. 过去,逝去;结束。◆ Time goes by quickly on vacation.假期里时间过得很快。5To stop for a short visit; go to someone's house for a short while. 顺便走访。◆ "Have you seen Bill lately?" "Yes, I went by his house last week."“最近见过比尔吗?”“见过,我上星期就去过他家。”




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