

词组 go for
释义 go forv. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1To try to get; aim for; try for. 试图得到;争取。◆ Our team is going for the championship in the game tonight.我们队今晚打算夺取比赛的冠军。2To favor; support; like. 赞成;支持;喜欢。Susie really goes for ice cream. 苏茜非常喜欢冰淇淋。◆ Bob goes for Jane in a big way.鲍勃非常喜欢简。3To attack; begin to fight or argue with. 袭击,攻击;开始与…争斗(或争论)。◆ The mugger jumped out of the bush and went for Jack.那名行凶抢劫犯从灌木丛中跳出来向杰克扑了过去。




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