

词组 time and tide wait for no man
释义 time and tide wait for no manThe law of nature cannot be changed on behalf of anyone, so it is a good idea to make a decision when the time is right, otherwise you may lose your chance. — A proverb. 〖谚〗岁月不待人;时不我待;机不可失,时不再来。◆ "Let's buy that house we always wanted now," Ted's wife suggested. "The interest rate will never be lower." "I guess you're right," Ted agreed. "It's as the saying goes, 'Time and tide wait for no man.'"“让我们现在就把我们一直想买的那座房子买下来吧,”泰德的妻子建议说。“利率永远也不会降低了。”“我想你是对的,”泰德同意说。“正像俗话说的,‘机不可失,时不再来’呀。”




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