

词组 tie up
释义 tie upv. phr. (stress on up)(重读up)1To show or stop the movement or action of; hinder; tangle. 使停顿;阻碍;使混乱。◆ The crash of the two trucks tied up all traffic in the center of town.两辆卡车相撞,使市中心的交通全部陷入瘫痪。2To take all the time of. 占去(某人)所有的时间;使无空闲。◆ The meeting will tie the President up until noon.会议将占去总统整个上午的时间。3To limit or prevent the use of. 限制使用;阻止使用。◆ His money is tied up in a trust fund and he can't take it out.他的钱全都搁死在一种信托基金上,现在无法提取。4To enter into an association or partnership; join. 联合;合并。◆ Our company has tied up with another firm to support the show.我们公司已与另一家公司联合起来赞助这次演出。5To dock. 靠码头;停泊。◆ The ships tied up at New York.船停泊在纽约。6To finish; complete. 结束;完成。◆ We've talked long enough; let's tie up these plans and start doing things.我们已经谈得够久了;让我们结束计划的制订,开始做些实事吧。




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