

词组 give up
释义 give upv.1To stop trying to keep; surrender; yield. 放弃;投降;屈服。◆ The dog had the ball in his mouth and wouldn't give it up.狗把球叼在嘴里不肯放弃。2To stop doing or having; abandon; quit. 戒除;抛弃;停止。◆ The doctor told Mr. Harris to give up smoking.医生叫哈里斯先生戒烟。◆ Jane hated to give up her friends when she moved away.简搬走时不想放弃她的朋友们。3To stop hoping for, waiting for, or trying to do. 放弃对…的希望;不再等待;不再尝试做(某事)。◆ Johnny was given up by the doctors after the accident, but he lived just the same.车祸后,医生们都认为约翰尼已经没救了,但他仍然活着。4To stop trying; quit; surrender. 不再尝试;放弃;投降。◆ The war will be over when one of the countries gives up.当其中的一个国家投降时,战争就会结束。




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