

词组 out of the way
释义 out of the wayadv. phr.1Not where people usually go; difficult to reach. 偏远的;难以到达的。◆ When Tom comes to visit her, Aunt Sally puts her lamps and vases out of the way. — Often used with hyphens before a noun.汤姆来看她时,萨莉姨妈总把灯和花瓶放到他够不着的地方去。——常加连词符用在名词前。◆ Gold was found in an out-of-the-way village in the mountains, and soon a good road and airfield were built.在山区一个偏远的村子里发现了黄金,于是很快便建成了一条很好的公路和一个机场。2Not what is usual or proper; strange. 不寻常的;不适当的;出格的;奇特的。◆ To leave before the guest of honor would be out of the way.先于贵宾离席是不礼貌的。◆ I'm sorry if I said something out of the way.如果我说了什么出格的话,我很抱歉。3or out of one's way Not able to stop or bother you. 不挡道;不碍事;离开。◆ Tom wished the visitors were out of the way so that he could have the cake for himself.汤姆希望客人们都快走,好让他一个人独享蛋糕。




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