

词组 out of sight
释义 out of sightadv. phr.1Not within one's field of vision. 在视野之外;在看不见的地方。◆ The sailboat disappeared out of sight over the horizon.帆船消失在地平线之外看不见了。2Extremely expensive. 极贵的;出奇的高,惊人的高。◆ The builder's estimate was so high that it was out of sight.建筑承包商的估价高得出奇。3Unbelievable; fantastic; incredible (both in the positive and the negative sense; an exaggeration.) 难以置信的;极好的;不可思议的。(夸张语。既可用于褒义也可用于贬义。)◆ Roxanne is such a stunning beauty, it's simply out of sight.罗克珊是个绝色美人,简直是美极了。4Unreachable; unrealizable; belonging to the world of fiction and fantasy. 够不到的,达不到的;不能实现的;幻想的。◆ Max's dreams about winning the Senatorial election are really out of sight; he admits it himself.马克斯想赢得参议员选举的梦想确实无法实现;他自己也承认这一点。




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