

词组 meet with
释义 meet withv.1To meet (someone), usually by accident. (偶然)遇见(某人)。◆ In the woods he met with two strangers.他在树林里遇见两个陌生人。2To meet together, usually by plan; join; have a meeting with. (经过安排)与…会见;与…碰头;与…会晤。◆ The two scouts met with the officers to talk about plans for the march.两名侦察员与军官会晤,讨论行军计划。3To experience (as unhappiness); suffer (as bad luck); have (as an accident or mishap). 经历(不快);遭受(厄运);遭遇(意外或不幸事故)。◆ The farmer met with misfortune; his crops were destroyed by a storm.那位农夫遭遇不幸,一场暴雨毁了他的庄稼。




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