

词组 take off
释义 take offv. phr. (stress on off)(重读off)1aTo leave fast; depart suddenly; run away. 迅速离开;突然离去;逃跑。◆ The dog took off after a rabbit.那狗突然动身去追一只兔子。1binformal To go away; leave. 〖非正式〗走开;离去。◆ The six boys got into the car and took off for the movies.那6个男孩上了汽车,向电影院开去。2To leave on a flight, begin going up. 起飞。◆ A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up or down.直升机能直上直下地起飞和降落。3informal To imitate amusingly; copy another person's habitual actions or speech. 〖非正式〗开玩笑地模仿;学…的样。◆ He made a career of taking off famous people for nightclub audiences.他以在夜总会为观众模仿名人为生。4To take (time) to be absent from work. 休假,休息;不工作。◆ When his wife was sick he took off from work.他妻子生病时他没去工作。




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