

词组 quite a few or quite a number also formal not a few
释义 quite a few or quite a number also formal not a fewn. or adj. phr.Rather a large number; more than a few.相当多(的);不少(的)。◆ Quite a few went to the game.很多人去看比赛。◆ The basket had quite a few rotten apples in it. — The phrase quite a number is used like an adjective only before less, more.篮子里有不少烂苹果。短语quite a number仅在less和more前用作形容词。◆ Few people saw the play on the first night but quite a number more came on the second night. — Sometime used like an adverb.第一天晚上看这出戏的人寥寥无几,但第二天晚上来看的人就相当多了。有时用作副词。◆ We still have quite a few more miles to go before we reach New York.我们还有好几英里路才到纽约。




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