

词组 mess up
释义 mess upv. phr. slang, informal 〖俚〗〖非正式〗1To cause trouble ; to spoil something. 惹麻烦;把(事实)弄乱。◆ What did you have to mess up my accounts for?你为什么一定要把我的账目弄乱?2To cause someone emotional trauma. 使(某人)感情上受到创伤。◆ Sue will never get married; she got messed up when she was a teenager.苏永远不会结婚,她十几岁的时候在感情上受到过创伤。3To beat up someone physically. 殴打;狠揍。◆ When Joe came in after the fight with the boys, he was all messed up.乔和那些男孩打完架进来时,全身伤痕累累。




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