

词组 stack the cards
释义 stack the cardsv. phr.1To arrange cards secretly and dishonestly for the purpose of cheating. 洗牌作弊。◆ The gambler had stacked the cards against Bill.那个赌徒洗牌作弊,使比尔上当失利。2To arrange things unfairly for or against a person; have things so that a person has an unfair advantage or disadvantage; make sure in an unfair way that things will happen. — Used in the passive with "in one's favor" or "against one." 暗中进行不公正布局(对某人有利或不利);预先安排使事情有利于或不利于某人。——通常用被动语态,并与in one's favor或against one连用。◆ A tall basketball player has the cards stacked in his favor.高个子篮球运动员有其有利条件。




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